Before you can use digital signatures, you must have Adobe configured and your certificate included. 

Security settings for digital signature with TCS-Geant/Sectigo certificates:;ItemID=946

Install personal certificate in Adobe:;ItemID=948

  1. Open the document you want to sign in Adobe. Then click "Tools" in the upper left corner.
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Opened document

  2. Select "Use a certificate".
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Tool overview

  3. Now select "Digitally sign" from the toolbar.
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Digital signature selection

  4. Drag a rectangle at the point where you want the signature.
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Creation of the signature

  5. Select your certificate from the list and click "Next".
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Certificate selection

  6. Enter the certificate's password when prompted. Otherwise, click on "Sign".
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Password request and confirmation

  7. Assign a new file name and save the document.
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Save signed document

  8. Below the toolbar, you can see the validity of the signed document. 
    Explanatory screenshot for the previous explanation
    Signature validity check