Note: You can download and view the screenshots of this guide in full size using the "Open image in new tab" option. To do so, right-click on the desired image.

Requesting shared mailboxes

Using shared mailboxes

Short info: A shared mailbox is a mailbox with several users. It has the special feature of not having its own password, so that no one can log in directly. Instead, an administrator assigns access permissions to individual users or groups at different levels. Users can then log in to their own mailbox and access the shared mailbox by opening it via OWA or by adding it to their Outlook account.

The calendar of the shared mailbox is often used as a department calendar. Several calendars can be created. Permissions can be configured separately for each calendar. For example, folders for projects can be set up in the shared inbox folder to give each member the best possible level of knowledge. Changes to the configuration can be made by the mailbox administrator specified in the application via the OWA web interface. Once set up, the resource is visible in the Exchange Global Address List.

Requesting shared mailboxes

Only employees of the TU Dresden are allowed to apply for shared mailboxes.

  1. In order to apply for a shared mailbox you must first log in to the TU Dresden Self Service Portal at: with your personal "ZIH login".

  2. Now click on the tile "Room, resource and distributed mailboxes, mailing lists" under the tab "Communication and collaboration".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with marker on the tile Room and resource mailboxes.
    Screenshot of the Self Service Portal homepage.


  3. On the page "Service description" you will now see some more information about the additional Exchange services offered by the TU Dresden. To apply, click on the tab "Manage add-on services".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with marker on the tab Administration of additional services.
    Screenshot of the "Service Description" page in the Self Service Portal.


  4. On the next page you will see an overview of your existing Exchange additional services. To apply for a shared mailbox, now click on the "plus sign" under the tab "Shared Mailboxes".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with marker on the plus sign.
    Screenshot of the "Application Overview" page in the Self Service Portal.


  5. Now enter the desired data in the application form and confirm your entries with the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. Your request will now be processed by the Service Desk. In the following image, you can see a few exemplary details for support. You will receive further tips on the respective field as a pop-up by moving the mouse over it.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the application in the Self Service Portal.

    Note: The option "Send on behalf of:" is currently available as an input option, but is NOT implemented by the system.

The following is a brief explanation of the two existing permissions:


Using shared mailboxes

Log in to the shared mailbox

Adding a distributed mailbox to your personal mailbox

Add or remove more users and groups


Log in to the shared mailbox

Users with access to the shared mailbox can log in as follows:

  1. To do this, log in to your personal mailbox via the Outlook Web App (OWA) at "". Use your normal "ZIH login" as your user name and your corresponding ZIH password.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App login interface.


  2. Now click with the left mouse button on your user symbol in the top right corner and then select "Open another mailbox...".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with marker on the item Open another mailbox... .
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App start page.


  3. Now enter the name of the shared mailbox and select the mailbox. If it is not displayed directly, click on "Search directory".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the "Open another mailbox" interface in the Outlook Web App.


  4. The mailbox is now selected. Next, click on the "Open" button. The mailbox now opens in a new browser tab.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the "Open another mailbox" interface in the Outlook Web App.



Adding a distributed mailbox to your personal mailbox

This method is recommended if you want to monitor your emails in the personal mailbox and the shared mailbox at the same time. In addition, once this process is complete, the shared mailbox and its folders will be displayed in the left navigation panel every time you open Outlook Web App.

  1. To do this, log in to your personal mailbox via the Outlook Web App (OWA) at "". Use your normal "ZIH login" as your user name and your corresponding ZIH password.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App login interface.


  2. In the left-hand navigation area, right-click on the personal mailbox (displayed as: last name, first name).

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the name.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App start interface.


  3. Then select "Add shared folder".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on add shared folder.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App start interface with right-click menu.


  4. In the "Add shared folder" dialogue box, enter the e-mail address of the shared mailbox and then click on "Add". The shared mailbox is now displayed at the bottom of the list on the left-hand side.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the "Add Shared Folder" interface in the Outlook Web App.




Add or remove more users and groups

Users with "admin access" to the shared mailbox can add or remove users or groups as follows:

  1. Open your shared mailbox by following steps 1-4 of the "Log in to the shared mailbox" instructions.

  2. Then right-click on the name of the shared mailbox.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the mailbox.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App start interface.


  3. In the pop-up menu, click on the item "Permissions".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on Permissions.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Web App start interface with right-click menu.


  4. You can now add new users or user groups by clicking on the "plus sign".

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the plus sign.
    Screenshot of the "Permissions" interface in the Outlook Web App.


  5. Now enter the user or group you want to add to the shared mailbox in the "Add permissions" window. Then click on the "Add" button.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description.
    Screenshot of the "Add permissions" interface in the Outlook Web App.


  6. Now you can select the corresponding person or group in the upper part of the window and set various permissions for them under "Permission level". You can see what these levels contain in terms of read, write and other rights further down in the window. Then confirm the desired adjustment with the "Ok" button.

    Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the permission level.
    Screenshot of the "Permissions" interface in the Outlook Web App.


  7. You can remove the persons or groups again via the "bin sign" and thus withdraw access to the shared mailbox again.