TUD-wide we offer the following groupware resources with mailing list function available.

1. an Exchange distribution group (security group).
2. a Mailman distribution list.

A condition for the Exchange distribution group is that each member has an Exchange account.
Advantages with Exchange are visibility in the Global Address Book of Exchange, the use of the group for appointment invitations and also to use use of rights assignments to e.g. shared calendars or other Exchange resources.
The name of the group email address always starts with GRP followed by a range abbreviation or a purpose (GRP-[group name]@msx.tu-dresden.de).

With a Mailman list the origin of the mailbox is not decisive.
Here it is possible for list members to subscribe or unsubscribe to the list via a web interface to subscribe or unsubscribe to the list. Also external email accounts can become members of the list.
This system does not offer other value added features. The email address here would be: [institution]+[group name]@groups.tu-dresden.de.

In both variants, the list is managed via browser. It is possible to specify several list admins.

The request for an exchange group is done at this point:


A Mailman list can be requested here



Additional Note: