You can set a separate service password for the WLAN service yourself. After setting the WLAN password, you can log in to the WLAN network "eduroam" with this password, for example. You can then continue to use your main password for the rest of the ZIH services.
If you have already set a WLAN password, you can also change it or reset it to your main password.
After logging in, select the "ZIH login" item under "IT security, authentification and authorisation".
If you have not set a WLAN password at the moment, press the "Set" button in the line for "WLAN password".
If you currently already have a WLAN password set, you can change or reset it using the corresponding buttons.
After specifying your main password, you can then set a new WLAN password, change the existing password, or reset to your main password, as appropriate
Please note that service passwords must also comply with the ZIH Password Policy, which includes the following rules:
The password must have a minimal-length of 12 and a maximal length of 127 characters.
At least character of each of these character-groups must be contained in the password:
a - z
A - Z
0 - 9
! $ % / ( ) = ? [ ] { } + # < > , ; : . - _
Other characters, like the whitespace, are not allowed.
The new service password is only synchronized to the connected target system that provides the selected service. This synchronization can take up to one hour.