If e-mails seem suspicious or malicious to you because you suspect a phishing attack or malware in attachments behind them, you can report them to TUD-CERT. There, reports are evaluated promptly and countermeasures are initiated if necessary. In this way, the risks posed by malicious e-mails can be reduced and, for example, phishing websites can be blocked at an early stage.

E-mails worthy of reporting

Please report only emails that pose an immediate security risk. This includes e-mails from unknown sender addresses with questionable urgent requests for action (e.g. "Click here to unlock your account").

Advertisements and spam e-mails can be deleted without reporting them to TUD-CERT.

How to report e-mails

Depending on the software you use to check your e-mail, there are several reporting methods available:

Microsoft Outlook

If you use Microsoft Outlook, you can use our phishing report plugin for this purpose. It allows you to submit dangerous or questionable emails to TUD-CERT with just one click. The latest version of the plugin can be downloaded from the TUD-CERT phishing info page. Installation and operating instructions for the plugin are also available there.

With installation of the plugin, the TUD-CERT section is added to the Start menu ribbon. The "Report E-Mail" button is visible.

Screenshot of the phishing report button for Microsoft Outlook
Screenshot of the Phishing Report Plugin for Microsoft Outlook

Mozilla Thunderbird

Our phishing reporting plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird adds a report button to the message area, which can be used to report the currently displayed E-Mail directly to the TUD-CERT.

Screenshot of the phishing report button for Mozilla Thunderbird
Screenshot of the Phishing Report Plugin for Microsoft Outlook​​​​

The plugin can be installed directly from Thunderbird via the official Mozilla Add-On Website. For details please consult our installation and operating instructions.


If you do not use one of the e-mail clients mentioned above, you can alternatively forward suspicious e-mails to us directly at cert-meldung@mailbox.tu-dresden.de. Please note that we will process all reports in a timely manner, but will only get back to you in case of any follow-up questions.