First, set up your email account on the Apple device (Setup). 

  1. Open the TU Dresden CA  page on your Apple device. Tap on the red marked areas to install the 3 certificates.

explanatory screenshot to the previous description


  1. Now open your "certificate file".

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on your certificate
Certificate file


  1. Go to the "settings" to install the profile.

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on Profile Downloaded
Profile Downloaded


  1. Now click on "Install" and confirm this again in the next two screens.

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on Install
Profile installation


  1. You will be prompted to enter the password of the certificate, after you have done this click "Next".

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on Next
Password request


  1. Now switch to the mail settings (Settings -> Mail -> Accounts -> TU Dresden Account). There click on "Accounts".

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on Account
Mail accounts 


  1. Click on "Advanced Settings".

explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on Advanced Settings
Account settings 


  1. At "S/MIME" you have the possibility to change the default behavior for new mails.


explanatory screenshot to the previous description with marker on S/MIME


  1. You have successfully set up the certificate.