The following instruction describes the configuration of a VPN connection to the TU Dresden network for Android.



  1.  Install the Cisco AnyConnect app from the Google Playstore.

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot Cisco AnyConnect in the Google Playstore


  1. Launch the Cisco AnyConnect app. 

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot of Cisco AnyConnect information window when used for the first time


  1. Read and accept the Cisco AnyConnect License Terms if you agree. Do not allow any phone calls. Then click on "Connections" and then on "Create new connection".

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot Cisco AnyConnect start screen


  1. In the "Connection Editor" please enter the following data: 

  1. Now please turn on the VPN by clicking the "AnyConnect VPN on-off switch" (see screenshot point 3).

  2. Now you have to enter your access data. Please enter the following data here:

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot Cisco AnyConnect login information window


  1. After entering the data, please click on "Connect". Instead of the recommended group "A-Tunnel-TU-Networks" other groups can be selected. You can find an explanation here.

  2. Now you need to confirm the connection request with the "OK" button.

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot Cisco AnyConnect connection request


  1. The key icon at the top of the status bar indicates the active VPN connection.
Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot Cisco AnyConnect with active VPN connection

Special characteristics: