Function logins can often be useful if a ZIH login is to be used by several people at the same time or if a separate ZIH login is to be used for a specific function at TU Dresden. Often mailboxes with special addresses like "" or "" are needed. However, the benefit is not only limited to e-mail. A function login has the same possibilities as a personal ZIH login in many areas. For example, datashare or the corresponding home-drive can also be used.
For each function login, a contact person is required who is currently an employee at TU Dresden. Every person whose ZIH login currently has "employee" status counts. If the status is not completely clear, it can be checked in the self-service Portal under "My profile"" under "Contracts" > "Type of user account". Exceptions to this are SHK or WHK. These have "employee" status in the system, but may not be entered as a contact person.
You can find the application form for a function login in the self-service portal under "Login request (applicant: Fkt Account)". Select "initial application" and fill in the required information in the input mask.
Here you can enter a descriptive name for your function login. This name will then be stored in various places in the system. For example, in the Exchange/Outlook address book or in other places where first and last names would be displayed for personal logins. Examples would be "Service Desk" or "Examination office department". The display name can also be changed later via the Service Desk.
Here you can specify which user name you want to assign for the login. You will then have to use this name to log in to the ZIH services, such as the e-mail server. A login may contain 3 to 8 characters and may only consist of letters and numbers. This user name can no longer be changed after the function login has been created.
Here you can enter the desired e-mail address for the mailbox of the function login. Several addresses can also be entered, which then all lead to the same mailbox. As separator for the address of function logins only a hyphen '-' and no dot '.' may be used, since this is reserved for personal logins. Mail aliases can also be changed later via the Service Desk.
Confirm the input by selecting the "next" button. A PDF file is generated, which is available for download on the following page. Download it and open it.
The contact person must now sign the document and affix a facility stamp. Digitally signed documents are also accepted without a stamp.
Please send the completed document by e-mail to the Service Desk. There is no fixed processing time, but usually an application is processed and the ZIH login is created on the same working day. Subsequently, an initial password for the function login will be sent to the TU e-mail address of the contact person, which can be used to set an own password and thus activate the login. After one hour at the latest the login is ready to use.