The global addressbook in Microsoft Outlook provided by Exchange already contains all TU Dresden certificates. Please configure the LDAP directory only to find certificates of other universities and institutions in the DFN.

The following describes the configuration of Microsoft Outlook using Windows for the integration of the DFN PKI LDAP directory service.

  1. In MS Outlook, select the "File" tab -> "Account Settings" -> "Account Settings".
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Selection "Account settings"
  1. Now select the "Address Books" tab and click on "New...".
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
"Address books" selection in "Account settings"
  1. Select "Internet Directory Service (LDAP)" and click "Next".
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Select LDAP as address book type
  1. Fill in as "Server Name" and click on "More Settings"
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Server Name entered
  1. In the tab "Connection" please enter as display name and 636 as port number. Please tick the "Use Secure Socket Layer" option box.
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Further settings with the filled fields for connection
  1. Change to tab "Search" and under "Search Base" fill in the "Custom" field with O=DFN-Verein,C=DE . Click on "OK".
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Further settings with the filled fields on search
  1. You are back to the LDAP settings. Click on "Next" then "Finish" to end the account creation.
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Completed account setup 
  1. You can find your newly created LDAP directory in the "Address Book" tab of the "Account Settings". Close the window and restart Outlook.
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Created LDAP address book
  1. When you write a new mail, you can search the LDAP directory to find the recipient by clicking Address Book. 
Screenshot "Address Book" tab on a new message
Address Book tab on a new message
  1. Outlook offers them very extensive search options, especially if you click on "Advanced Search".
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Search in LDAP directory
  1. If you want to send an encrypted e-mail, please click on the "lock" symbol in the "New E-mail" window. While sending, Outlook searches in the DFN PKI LDAP directory service for the appropriate certificate (if exists) and encrypt the message with the public key of the receiver.
explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Enable encryption