All personal ZIH logins at TU Dresden usually have a coupon ID. You need it to assign a new password in case you have forgotten yours.
For functional logins there is no coupon ID. You can find more information below.
Employees receive the coupon ID at the beginning of employment.
Students usually receive their coupon ID by email to the address they provided during their application. This address is then also registered in the system as the contact e-mail for your ZIH login.
Guests also receive their coupon ID via e-mail to the contact e-mail address that must be provided when applying for a guest login.
We strongly recommend to note the coupon ID separately and keep it accessible at all times, as well as keeping the contact email address stored at TU Dresden up to date. Both can be found in the Self-Service Portal Self Service-Portal.
If you don't know your password any more, please contact the Service Desk. If a contact email is registered for you in the system, please write a short email from that address. Alternatively, you can contact the Service Desk in person or by phone.
If you still have your coupon ID, your password can usually be reset immediately and you can use the coupon ID to set a new password in the Self-Service Portal.
If you no longer have your coupon ID, contact the Service Desk in person.
Functional logins do not receive a coupon ID, but an initial password.
To reset the password the contact of the functional login can send a digitally signed email to or visit the Service Desk in person.