Your ZIH login will remain active as long as at least one contract is valid in our identity management system. There are three kinds of contracts that correspond to a group affiliation:
Your ZIH login can also have several statuses at the same time. As soon as there is no longer an active status, the ZIH login is marked for deactivation. You can get an overview of your current contracts in the Self Service Portal under "My Profile" as long as your ZIH login is still active.
When your last valid contract ends, a grace period of 14 days begins. During this period, you will usually also receive three automatic emails at different times indicating that your ZIH login will soon be deactivated. Until the end of this period, you can continue to use your ZIH login as usual. After that, however, it will be blocked for all services from ZIH, such as the e-mail or the ZIH Cloudstore. You will therefore no longer be able to log in and should back up all important data such as e-mails and files before the deadline expires.
After the grace period is expired, your email address itself will also be disabled. If someone tries to send emails to your address, they will not be delivered and senders will get an error message back that your email address is not taken. This can be avoided, if you register for a mandate for redirection or notification (see FAQ "Using mandate of redirection or notification").
After the grace period is expired your account will be deactivated. Your files and data will be kept for a possible return for another 15 months (exceptions: SharePoint mySites - deletion after 30 days, HPC data - 6 months after expiration of access authorization, backup - according to the requested duration).
Only if your ZIH login has been continuously deactivated for more than 15 months, your ZIH login and all personal data will be permanently deleted. Only your username and email addresses will be archived in the system to prevent reassignment.
Before the deletion period expires, your ZIH login can be reactivated anytime. This is possible by matriculation, start of an employment or invitation as guest (see FAQ "Extension of a personal ZIH login"). You can then log in again with your usual username and password.
If you return to TU Dresden after the deletion period has expired, a new ZIH login will be created for you.