Presenters can use the Share an external video feature to play a video or audio file that is publicly available on the Internet in the room in a controlled manner so that all participants can see and hear it.


Links to publicly available videos from the following services are supported:

Usually sharing media files also works if there is a direct link to the respective file and it is publicly available. In case of playback problems, using a different web browser may help.

Share an external video

To do that click the Actions button (plus icon at the bottom left) in the main area and select "Share an external video".

Illustration of Actions menu

In the dialog, enter the video URL in the field and confirm via "Share a new video".

Display of the menu for entering the video URL

The video will then be displayed for all to see. The controls appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the video, they depend on the portal where the video was published.

Representation BigBlueButton room with shared video
BigBlueButton room with shared video

To stop video playback click the Actions button again and select "Stop sharing external video".

Display of the Actions menu with selection Exit video splitting

Alternative: Screen sharing

As an alternative it is also possible via screen sharing to play local videos (without sound) by selecting the video player as an application. For videos played in the web browser, the sound can be transmitted as well, provided that a Chromium-based browser is used. Note that this consumes more network and hardware resources, so the function described above should always be preferred.