When sending e-mails, you want to send your contact information automatically if possible. This is what the personal signature is for. By setting up a personal signature, each of your emails will contain your contact information below the email text. This is comparable to a normal business card. It is possible to create a signature within the Microsoft program Outlook or within the online version OWA.

Index of contents

MS Outlook ​

Outlook Web App (OWA)


MS Outlook

  1. To add a signature according to the Corporate Designs of TU Dresden select "File" from the task bar and chose "Options". 

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on Options.
Screenshot of the account information in MS Outlook.
  1. From the pop-up window chose "E-Mail" and then select "Signature".

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with markers on menu item Mail and the button Signatures.
Screenshot of the MS Outlook options.
  1. Within this E-Mail Signature pop-up window select "New" to create a new signature. 

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the button New.
Screenshot of the Signatures and Stationery menu in MS Outlook Options. 


  1. Afterwards, a name must be assigned for the signature. Confirm this with the button "OK".

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on the button OK.
Screenshot of the Signatures and Stationery menu in MS Outlook Options. 


  1. Under "Edit signature" compose your signature according to the Corporate Designs of TU Dresden (keyword: Email signatures).


E-Mails sent by staff members should have a TU mail address as sender. After the complimentary close, complete emails with a signature like this:

Title, first name, last name
Pronouns: er-sie-keins/he-she-none *)
Job title

Technische Universität Dresden
School, Faculty/Central Unit/Directorate *)
Institute/Unit *)
Chair/Group *)
01062 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351 463-xxxxx
Fax : +49 351 463-xxxxx
E-Mail: prename.surname@tu-dresden.de (or mail address related to your role)

Details marked with an *) should be included if possible (but are not mandatory). All other details must be included.


  1. Chose your new signature as your signature for New messages and Replies/forwards. Confirm those changes with "OK". 

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a markers on the Default signature options and the button OK.
Screenshot of the Signatures and Stationery menu in MS Outlook Options. 


Outlook Web App (OWA)

  1. To add a signature according to the Corporate Designs of TU Dresden select the "Settings" sign  from the task bar and select "Options".

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on Options.
Screenshot of the Settings context menu in the Outlook Web App (OWA).
  1. Now select the category "Email signature" under "Layout" and the interface with the email signature will open. Enter your signature according to the Corporate Designs of TU Dresden (keyword: Email signatures) into the description field.

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with a marker on Email signature.
Screenshot of the options in the Outlook Web App (OWA).


E-Mails sent by staff members should have a TU mail address as sender. After the complimentary close, complete emails with a signature like this:

Title, first name, last name
Pronouns: er-sie-keins/he-she-none *)
Job title

Technische Universität Dresden
School, Faculty/Central Unit/Directorate *)
Institute/Unit *)
Chair/Group *)
01062 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351 463-xxxxx
Fax : +49 351 463-xxxxx
E-Mail: prename.surname@tu-dresden.de (or mail address related to your role)

Details marked with an *) should be included if possible (but are not mandatory). All other details must be included.


  1. Tick the option box  saying "Automatically include signature on message I send" and confirm those changes by selecting "Save".

Explanatory screenshot for the previous description with markers on the checkbox and the button Save.
Screenshot of the options in the Outlook Web App (OWA).