WebEx - Notes for use on Linux systems

WebEx is officially released by Cisco for the following Linux distributions:
(as of 04/2024) However, WebEx works on many other distributions.
Information on the release plan, minimum requirements, future improvements and known problems can be found on the WebEx help pages for Linux

Known problems

Open Suse Tumbleweed

Problems with certificates and therefore no login to the telephony server after successful login to WebEx.
Webex searches for the CA bundle under /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt and /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt 
After a sudo ln -s /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt Webex also works with OpenSUSE
Please note: This “hack” may be deactivated again with OS updates. In the event of problems, check again whether the entry is still active.


Various distributions

Issue: (e.g. Kubuntu 23.10, Open Suse Tumbleweed)
Under Wayland Sessions it can happen that the login window remains black and you cannot enter your access data.
Start the program with the environment variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY.
WAYLAND_DISPLAY='' /opt/Webex/bin/CiscoCollabHost
The checkbox for the autostart function is grayed out in Cisco WebEx and cannot be used.
It is currently unclear whether this is a bug or whether it does work under certain constellations (distribution/desktop environment).
It is recommended to use the mechanisms of the respective operating system (desktop environment) for the autostart of WebEx.