Conference Now
Conference Now offers an individual conference room for every VoIP-User, which can be PIN-protected by the User (Cisco Telephone Selfcare-Portal).
Thus, phone conferences can be organized easily. The User opens an individual conference room, to which all members connect.
Using Conference Now
Conference Manager
- Inform the invited members about the connection number (+49 351 463-) 88000, the date of the conference, the conference number (which is the phone number of the conference manager) and the member PIN (is set in the Cisco Telephone Selfcare-Portal by the conference manager)
- The conference manager calls the inital number 88000
- Enter the conference number (which is your own phone number) and confirm with #
- Enter the conference PIN (set in the Cisco Telephone Selfcare-Portal) and confirm with #
- The conference room is now open
Conference Member
- call 88000 (externally by calling +49 351 463 88000) at the time of the conference
- enter the conference number and confirm with #
- (when the manager has not opened the conference yet, enter #)
- enter the member PIN and confirm with #
- you are beeing connected to the conference
When the last internal TU-Member leaves the conference room, the conference is closed.
We recommend that you test the feature before the conference. You can contact the Service Desk at the conference date, if needed.