OPAL - Online Platform for Academic Teaching and Learning - is the learning platform of the Saxon universities. OPAL can support teaching in the following areas, among others:
Provision of material (e.g. download folders, learning modules, lecture recordings)
Event organization (e.g. enrollments, notifications, scheduling)
Online collaboration (e.g. in wikis, forums, working groups)
Performance checks and assessments (e.g. (self-)tests with the ONYX test tool, surveys, assignments)
You can access OPAL via the link https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal. Select "TU Dresden" as the institution, then click on "Login" and log in with your ZIH access data.
Further information and support contact details can be found here: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/516358148
OPAL documentation: https://help.bps-system.de/wiki/bin/view/LMS/Benutzerhandbuch%20OPAL/?language=en