Extension of active function logins

As long as the function login is still active, it can be extended by the registered contact person via the self-service portal under ‘Function logins’. There you will find an overview of all the logins assigned to you in a table. This contains the login name, the display name, the e-mail address, a comment if applicable and the status and the expiry date. By changing the date in the table, the login is login is extended. An extension is possible for up to one year in the future.

By selecting the respective checkbox (always at the beginning of each table entry), several logins can be marked. You can then set the same expiry date or add a comment for all selected logins.

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot self-service portal: View "Function Logins"


Extension of inactive (expired) function logins

It is only possible to extend a function login without a request as long as the function login is still active. If a function login is inactive, a renewal request must be submitted. Expired ZIH logins can usually be reactivated up to 15 months after they have been deactivated. If reactivation is no longer possible, a new function login must be created. You can find more information on this in the FAQ ‘Creation of function logins’.

Appointment of a contact person

The original contact person for the function login usually submits the renewal request. If this person is no longer available, a new contact person must be appointed who is currently an employee at TU Dresden. This includes any person whose ZIH login currently has ‘employee’ status. If the status is not entirely clear, it can be checked in the self-service portal under "My profile" under "Contracts" > "Type of user account". Exceptions to this are SHK or WHK. Although they have ‘employee’ status in the system, they may not be entered as a contact person.

Renewal Request

You can find the renewal application in the self-service portal under "Login request (applicant: Fkt. Account)". Select "Renewal" and fill in the required information in the input mask.

Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
Screenshot self-service portal: Renewal request

Confirm the input by selecting the "next" button. A PDF file is generated, which is available for download on the following page. Download it and open it.

Example application for an extension for function login containing the information filled in in the web form.
Example application for an extension for function login

The contact person must now sign the document and affix a facility stamp. Digitally signed documents are also accepted without a facility stamp. Please send the completed and signed document by e-mail to the Service Desk. There is no fixed processing time, but usually a renewal application will be processed and the ZIH login renewed on the same business day.

Change of contact person

If another contact person is to be entered for a function login, we require confirmation from the previous and new contact person that the login is to be transferred. In the simplest case, this can be done via an informal digitally signed e-mail from the respective persons to the Service Desk. Alternatively, you can send an informal letter to us with both persons' handwritten signatures. You can send us this letter scanned via email. You can also submit a renewal request on which the new contact person is entered, but the previous contact person also signs in addition to the new contact person.