You can start a conference call with WebEx and extend it to up to eight participants.

  1. To do this, start a call with the first call participant. Now click on the circle with the three dots in the current call and select the "Conference" menu item.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Start conference
  2. Now enter the number of the second conference participant (participant 1 will receive music on hold during this time) and click on the "handset icon" to start the call.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Adding a person to the conference
  3. Click on "Merge" to add both calls to a conference call.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Merging calls to a conference
  4. You will now see the three-way conference with the current participants in the status window.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Active three-way conference
  5. You can extend the conference to up to eight participants using the same steps. To do this, click on the circle with the three dots again from the existing conference and select "Conference".

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Extend conference
  6. Set up a call with another partner by entering the destination telephone number and clicking on the receiver.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Add another person to the conference
  7. Add this call to the conference via "Merge".

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Merge a new call into the conference
  8. You will then see the conference overview of the extended conference.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Active four-way conference

Repeat the above steps as required to add further participants to the conference.