You can easily transfer a call to another subscriber. You can announce the call to the destination line or complete the transfer while the call is being set up (so-called blind transfer or "cold transfer", i.e. without announcement).

  1. The starting point is an ongoing call. In the call window, click on the circle with the three dots and select "Transfer".

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Transferring an ongoing call
  2. Now enter the desired destination number for the transfer and click on the "handset icon".

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Enter destination number for transfer
  3. You can now click on "Complete transfer" during the call setup to the target line (so-called "blind transfer", i.e. transfer without announcing the call). This links your call partner to the new target line while the call is being set up and your line returns to its default status.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Complete transfer (blind transfer)
  4. Alternatively, you can wait for the target line to accept the call and announce the call to be transferred before clicking on "Complete transfer". This also gives you the option of continuing the original call if the target line does not pick up.

    Explanatory screenshot to the previous description
    Screenshot WebEx: Completing the transfer after announcing the call

Your line is now free again.