For the automated setup of Adobe Acrobat, the settings file can also be distributed via group policy. The manual way can be found in the linked FAQ article.

The following values must be set via GPO to store the corresponding URL in Adobe and to obtain the security settings from it.

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2020\Security\cDigSig\cCustomDownload

Depending on the version of Adobe installed, the path must be adjusted accordingly.
For Adobe Acrobat Reader DC this is:
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\Security\cDigSig\cCustomDownload

(DWORD) bLoadSettingsFromURL = 1
(DWORD) bAskBeforeInstalling = 1
(REG_SZ) tLoadSettingsURL =

Note: For existing installations or if the settings have not been set correctly, an update must be initiated manually:
Adobe Settings Update
Adobe Settings Update